Many propane industry members are facing unprecedented challenges this year in contracting for supply, and NPGA’s Propane Supply and Logistics Committee will be hosting a series of webinars throughout the summer.
Webinar: Preparing for Peak Demand
Tuesday, July 21 at 2 PM Eastern
This webinar will focus on preparing for peak demand. With current crude prices and drilling budgets slashed, associated gas production numbers have been down, creating a decreased supply of propane. Global petrochemical demand is also down, but exports have risen. Potentially markets could become tighter this year – especially if we have a cold Winter or have logistics difficulty getting propane in the right markets at the right time. REGISTER HERE.
Steve Kossuth, UGI Corporation
NPGA Propane Supply and Logistics Committee Chair
Kim Colburn, BP
NPGA Propane Supply and Logistics Committee Vice Chair
Josh McCall, BP’s Fundamental Analytics Team
Overview of the current production and demand
Rusty Braziel, RBN Energy, LLC.
Implications of the current situation for supply planning and downstream logistics management