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Propane Vaporizers
A propane vaporizer is a device that receives liquid propane from a storage facility to produce propane vapor for use of gas burning equipment such as boilers, heater, furnaces and others at the required capacity.
Most vaporizers manufactured today are designed and built with the industrial stand-by customer base in mind, supplying stand-by fuel for a few days a year. Utility customers, however, may require usage of a peak shaving unit for weeks or even months at a time. Our safe and dependable water bath vaporizers are customized to meet all of your specific application requirements. All propane vaporizers include: glycol/water solution, largest heat exchange area, high quality epoxy paint, power burner/flame safeguard, full size door with lock, interior cabinet light, welded piping, forged steel components, large water bath capacity, 1/4″ thick steel shell, insulation on sides and top and an optional ASME tube bundle.
We can also service existing propane vaporizers, keeping your unit operating safely and reliably. Call us today to schedule a test on your glycol solution as well as a flush and replacement.